Saturday, September 19, 2009

Meltdown Episode 5

The show starts off with the YAHWF Meltdown theme song "Hit The Lights" Metallica. BBQ & Jerry The Queen start by saying tonight's main event: KDubb vs. The USAhole with Justin as the special guest referee.

Promo: Justin's music hits and you see him walk down to the ring. He grabs a mic. "Okay, now for some time, there has been an ongoing feud between KDubb & The USAhole. Now somehow, I became stuck in the middle of all of this and I don't know why. But tonight, I have been asked to be the special guest referee between the two so I will do that. And whoever wins the match, I will give them one last shot for my YAHWF Heavyweight Championship." KDubb's music hits and he gets cheered walking up to the ring. "Justin, I just want to thank you for putting me in a number 1 contender's match against my former tag team partner USAhole." "Hey no problem, you helped me retain the title, so it's time I returned the favor." My music hits and I am getting a lot of heat. "What the ***** is this crap? Thank you?This is wrestling, not a tea party you pansies!" "Okay, who pis.sed in your cornflakes this morning?" KDubb asks. "No one. But I am going to beat the hell out of you tonight and go on to face Justin next week for the YAHWF Heavyweight Championship and win it like I should have the 1st time we faced." USAhole walks out of the ring and is pretty mad.

Match 1: Ladder match for the YAHWF American Championship: The Rated R Captain of Charisma vs. Cool Dude (c)
The match ends when Cool Dude went for a Double Armed Piledriver on the top of a ladder onto a table. Cool Dude gets it in and grabs the title.
Winner & still YAHWF American Champion, Cool Dude!!!

Match 2: Hiatt Midcap & The X Rider vs. Los Mexicanos to face 23 Answers next week for the YAHWF Hardcore Tag Team Championship
The match ends when Hiatt Midcap delivers the Shooting Star Press to Eddie Sanchez and gets the pin.
Winners: Hiatt Midcap & The X Rider!!!

Match 3: 2 on 1 handicap match- The Hurricane & Man In Black 2 vs. Joey
The match is a completely one sided match. Hurricane is in the ring most of the match and tags in Man In Black 2. Joey gains momentum and gets in the Ultimate Leg Drop.
Winner: Joey!!!
Joey & Hurricane stare down and Joey delivers the 1st blow. They trade blows until Hurricane knocks down Joey & goes for The Shining Wizard.

Match 4: Victoria Belle & Jessie Jackson vs. Lita Stratus & Kayle Smith
The match ends when Lita Stratus walks out of the ring and Kayle Smith is given the Chick Kick be Victoria Belle.
Winners: Victoria Belle & Jessie Jackson!!!

Main Event: KDubb vs. USAhole with Justin as the SPR. Winner face Justin next week for the YAHWF Heavyweight Championship.
The match starts off slowly as KDubb & I go into a headlock. I pull KDubb into an Irish Whip and Clotheslines him. I go for the pin and Justin does not cover me. I look at him and yell "What The ***** man!" Then I punch Justin and KDubb goes for the Schoolboy Roll Up. 1, 2, kickout! I then get back up and deliver a big uppercut to KDubb allowing me to set him up for the Ankle Lock. I get it in and KDubb quickly taps out.
Winner: USAhole!!!
Justin tries to raise my hand but I throw it down at flip him the bird. Justin grabs a mic and says, "Hes USAhole, our match will be Hell In A Cell!!!" The show goes off.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

YAHWF Meltdown Episode 4

The show starts off with the YAHWF Meltdown theme song "Hit The Lights" Metallica. The ring announcer opens by welcoming me to the ring. I get a lot of heat when I come out but I just laugh.

Promo: "Well, well, well. KDubb! Are you okay? Like I give a damn! Last week, I did what I did because I was tired of loosing. KDubb was bringing me down! Every single week, Team America has lost! We lost on week 1 where Justin pinned KDubb. Week 2, I was screwed out of another victory because the man in black came out for some reason and decided to play with the big boys. And last Tuesday, KDubb got pinned by Justin AGAIN!!!" I am getting heat like you wouldn't believe (imagine CM Punk & Kurt Angle combined). Justin's music hits. He grabs a mic. "USAssHole! You kept on loosing because you made it so. Every week, you had a fix in your matches with me and I have come out victorious! So what does that tell you? It tells you that all of your designs have flaws. It also shows that you would be one shitty construction worker. I'll tell you what. If you beat your opponent tonight, then I will give you a title shot next week. How is that?" "Hang on you son of a bitch! I own this company! What makes you think I won't strip you of the YAHWF HC and award me the title?" "I don't. But I know that you can't call yourself champion until you actually beat the champion." "Okay. I will play your little game." "Hold on a second." Justin says. "I get to chose your opponent tonight. Justin's music hits and he leaves the ring.

Match 1: Match on 1,000 tacks for the YAHWF Diva's Championship: Kayle Smith vs. Lita Stratus (c)
Kayle Smith wins the match after a Double Armed DDT on the tacks.
Winner & new YAHWF Diva's Champion: Kayle Smith!!!

Match 2: 6 Man Tag Team Tables Match- 23 Answers (Jordan23 & Andrew The Answer King) & Brad Towers vs. Los Mexicanos (Eddie Sanchez & Poncho) & The X Rider
The match ends when Hiatt Midcap comes out and looks at The X Rider. Then, X Rider tosses Poncho through a table and the match ends.
Winners: 23 Answers & Brad Towers!!!
After the match, The X Rider and Hiatt Midcap stare down each other.
Then X Rider grabs Hiatt Midcap's shirt and looks like he is about to pummel him. But instead he shakes his hand & leaves the ring.
The camera is backstage where on air talent Josh Dupray interviews The Hurricane. "So Hurricane, last week in the Ladder Match against Joey for the YAHWF IP Championship, you chose to grab your mask instead of your title. Why?" "Well Josh, I thought long and hard to what my life would be like without my mask. If I kept my mask, I would still have a protected identity. If I had chosen to get the title, my identity would be exposed and I think I would lose respect of the fans. The fans inspire me to wear the mask every week. But Joey, I will get my IP Championship back or my name isn't Hurricane!" "Your name isn't Hurricane!" Joey comes out and says. "If your name is Hurricane, then your parents stole some of Jeff Hardy's **** because they were higher than a kite. You want another title shot? You got it. Next week, you vs me for the IP Title in a Street Fight. And if I win, I get the title, your mask, and you never face me again. If you win, you get the title, keep the mask and I never fight you again. Deal?" Hurricane scratches his head. "You're on you bastard!"

Match 3: Inferno match for the YAHWF American Championship: The Cool Dude vs. The Rated R Captain Of Charisma (c)
The match starts off hot and fast. Rated R sets Cool Dude for a spear and gets it. He then tries to toss him out of the ring but cannot. Cool Dude regains momentum and then goes for the Mandible Claw. He gets it and while in the hold is able to throw Rated R out of the ring.
Winner & new YAHWF American Champion: Cool Dude!!!

Match 4: Hardcore match. Justin vs. Wirepain
This match ends when Justin sets up Wirepain for the Killswitch and connects.
Winner: Justin!!!

Main Event: The USAhole vs. an opponent of Justin's choosing (If USAhole wins, then he faces Justin next week for the YAHWF Heavyweight Championship)
After I come out to the ring, Justin follows me and stays at the ramp with a mic in his hand. "USAhole, you want to get revenge on somebody for costing you the title? Well here is your chance. You will face the Man In Black from the TLC match from a few weeks ago."
The match starts off with me in a headlock and I counter with a back bodyslam. I then fall out of the ring and the MIB follows me out of the ring. He hits me in the head with a monitor and throws me back into the ring. He sets me up for the Neuralizer but I counter with a German Suplex and get him in the Boston Crab. He grabs the rope and I set him up for the 13 Stripes. I jump off of the top turnbuckle and miss. He then gets the Neuralizer on me and gets the pin.
Winner: Man In Black!!!
After that, Justin walks to the ring and says "Well, I gave you another shot but you just blew it. You want to know who the Man InBlack is? Well then here is your chance!" The MIB takes off his mask and it is KDubb. KDubb then sets me up for The Ghetto Bomb. As KDubb & Justin leave the ring, stand up and say, "KDubb you BITCH!!! I challenge you to a grudge match next week!!" The show goes off the air.

Friday, September 11, 2009

YAHWF Meltdown Episode 3

The show starts off with the YAHWF Meltdown theme song "Hit The Lights" Metallica. Then the announcers BBQ & Jesse "The Queen" kick off the show by stating the main event: The YAHWF Champion Justin will team up with the man in black from last week's TLC match and they will face Team America in a no dq, elimination tag team match. If Justin gets pinned by either member of Team America, then they win the YAHWF Heavyweight Championship.

Promo: Joey comes out to the ring holding a mask. He grabs a mic. "Hurricane! Listen up! Last week, I lost my YAHWF Inter-Promotional Championship to you in a tables match. That really pissed me off and I got to thinking that you are a coward. If you weren't, you wouldn't hide your identity with a mask." Hurricane's music hits. He comes to the ring and he looks confused. "What are you trying to accomplish?" Hurricane asks. "I want my god.damn title back." Joey replies. "I am trying to kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Here is what I was thinking: tonight, I challenge you to a ladder match for that Inter-Promotional Championship and for your mask. On one side of the ring, holds the IP Championship. On the other side of the ring holds a mask. If you choose to get the IP Championship, you have to stay demasked for ever. If you get the mask, you can stay masked, but you lose your IP Championship to me. what do you say?" "Well damn, this is a tough decision but I accept your challenge you ***.hole!" Hurricane leaves the ring.

Match 1: Hardcore match for the YAHWF Hardcore Championship: The X Rider vs. Brad Towers (c). Brad Towers retains the title after Hiatt Midcap comes out and attacks The X Rider from last week. Hiatt beats him up then executes the GTS on X Rider. The crowd goes crazy.
Winner & still the YAHWF Hardcore Champion: Brad Towers!!!

Match 2: Singles match for the YAHWF Cruiserweight Championship. Jack Soff vs. Destroyer (c). Jack Soff wins the match after The Climax. LOL
Winner & the new YAHWF Cruiserweight Champion: Jack Soff!!!

Match 3: Tag Team Hardcore Match for the YAHWF Hardcore Tag Team Championship. Los Mexicanos (Eddie Sanchez & Poncho) vs. 23 Answers (Andrew The Answer King & Jordan23). 23 Answers retain the title after Jordan23 executes the Pele Kick to Poncho while Poncho held a chair to his face.
Winners & still YAHWF Hardcore Tag Team Champions 23 Answers!!!

Match 4: Ladder match for the YAHWF IP Championship & Hurricane's mask. Joey vs. The Hurricane (c). The Hurricane gets his mask after he does a Frog Splash onto Joey from the top of the ladder.
Winner: The Hurricane. The New IP Champion- Joey!!!

Match 5: 5 Diva Battle Royal. Winner faces Lita Stratus next week for the YAHWF Woman's Championship. Victoria Belle vs Jessie Jackson vs Mira Skyz vs Kayle Smith vs Anna Belize.
Winner: Kayle Smith!!!

Main Event: No DQ Elimination tag team match. If any member of Team America pins Justin, they become the new YAHWF Heavyweight Champion! Team America vs. Justin & The Man In Black.
Elimination 1: The Man In Black is eliminated after I do The 13 Stripes on him onto the announce table.
Elimination 2: Justin pins me after a bulldog onto thumb tacks.
Elimination 3: Justin pins KDubb after a spinebuster on steel steps.
Winners Justin & Man In Black. Still The YAHWF Heavyweight Champion Justin!!!

I come back to the ring after Justin & Man In Black leaves. I pick up KDubb & beat him up. I set him up for The 13 Stripes and connect. I then do the Ankle Lock on him for 3 minutes straight. I then leave the ring when EMT's come to the rescue.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

YAHWF Meltdown Episode 2

The show starts off with the YAHWF Meltdown theme song "Hit The Lights" Metallica. Then the announcers BBQ & Jesse "The Queen" kick off the show by stating the main event: The YAHWF Champion Justin will face off against The USAhole in a TLC match.

Team America's music hits and you see KDubb and I walk down the ramp. "Well, the second time around, we will get what we want." I said really cocky. KDubb looks at me and said that as long as the YAHWF came home to a member of Team America, then he would be happy. We both get the s.h.i.t. booed out of us. Then Justin's music hits and he heads to the ring. "Really? A TLC match?" said Justin. "Yeah really you piece of s.h.i.t!" I replied. Justin then said, "Well okay, USAhole. You want to bury your own grave then I'll be happy to put you in it. And here's a little piece of advise USAhole, in a TLC match, all's fair in love and war." Then KDubb and I look at each other and laugh. The Justin hits me in the face with a microphone and walks out of the ring. It goes to commercial.

Match 1: Number one contender's match to face Brad Towers for the YAHWF Hardcore Championship next week: The X Rider vs.Hiatt Midcap. Brad Towers comes out to commentate. Both of the contenders get distracted by Brad until Hiatt Midcap looks at him for too long and X Rider does his finisher.
Winner: The X Rider

Match 2: Diva's match. Winner faces Lita Stratus next week: Mira Skyz vs. Victoria Belle
Winner after a kick to the head: Mira Skyz

The camera is backstage where on air talent Josh Dupray interviews Justin. "Well Justin, after coming off of your first victory on Meltdown last week, it seems like The USAhole really has it in for you because he is making you defend your YAHWF Championship again. What are your thoughts?" "Well Josh, The USAhole really is an a.s.s. hole. He is also a jealous a.s.s. hole. Because I am already the longest reigning YAHWF Heavyweight Champion. I retained the title last week against KDubb in a supposedly "fixed" match, but that just shows how crafty I can be. I will do the same thing tonight. I will show you my craftiness."

Match 3: Tables match for the YAHWF Inter-Promotional Championship: Joey vs. The Hurricane. The Hurricane wins the match after a frog splash on a table with Joey on it.
Winner: The Hurricane

Match 4: Hardcore Tag Team Match for the 1st ever YAHWF Hardcore Tag Team Championships: Eddie Sanchez & Poncho (Los Mexicanos) vs. Jordan23 & Andrew The Answer King. Very fast paced match between the 2 tag teams. Andrew The Answer King gets the pin on Poncho after he DDTs him through the announce table.
Winners: Jordan23 & Andrew The Answer King

Main Event: The USAhole vs. Justin (c) in a TLC Match for the YAHWF Heavyweight Championship. The match starts off slow with a few heavy blows. Then about 10 minutes into the match the ladders come into play. I go to grab the title and Justin knocks the ladder off. Then Justin grabs the title. KDubb comes out, gets a chair, climbs up the ladder and knocks Justin off of the ladder. Then he is hit with a chair by a man in all black. I go up to grab the title 1 more time but Justin follows me up. We trade blows until Justin crouches down to get brass knuckles from his tights then delivers the KO blow to me.
Winner: Justin

Thursday, September 3, 2009

YAHWF Episode 1

The show starts off with the YAHWF Meltdown theme song "Hit The Lights" Metallica. Then the announcers BBQ & Jesse The Queen kick off the show by stating the main event: The YAHWF Champion Justin will face off against KDubb with The USAhole as the special guest referee. BBQ also said that the match will be for the YAHWF Heavyweight Championship.

Promo 1: KDubb & The USAhole's music hits as we enter the ring with our YAHWF Tag Titles. KDubb grabs a microphone and says that the 1st episode of Meltdown is getting a bomb *** main event. I get another mic and agree. I also mention that I am the guest ref. I also say that tonight starts the search for the next YAHWF diva because there will be 2 separate diva matches and the winners will receive a contract for the YAHWF. We cut a promo on Justin and how he is a big E-Fed whore. I set up the stipulation that if Justin loses the title tonight, he is fired from the YAHWF. Justin comes out and says that even though the biggest fix in history has been set, he will still come out victorious. Justin holds his title up high and we go to a commercial break. (commercial break)

Match 1 (The 1st Diva's match for a YAHWF contract): Alexa Jones vs. Victoria Belle. Winner with a Fisherman's Suplex- Victoria Belle

Match 2 (The 2nd Diva's match for a YAHWF contract): Jessica Jackson vs. Ru Paul. Winner after a Mick Kick- Jessica Jackson

Match 3 (Singles match for the YAHWF American Championship): The Rated R Captain of Charisma (c) vs. Twilight. The Rated R Captain of Charisma wins the match via count out.

Match 4 (Hardcore match for the Hardcore Championship): Wirepain (c) vs. Brad Towers. Brad Towers wins the match after a spear through a burning table in barbed wire.

Main Event (YAHWF Championship match with USAhole as special guest referee): Justin (c) vs. KDubb. The match starts up with the two locking into a headlock. Justin gains momentum. He goes for a pin and I do not count. He looks at me like I am on his side. About twenty minutes into the match, KDubb misses a clothesline and takes me out. Then Justin gets his finisher on KDubb and goes for the pin while I'm down. The audience counts to 5 when I regain consciousness but I only get a 2 count. He looks at me again and KDubb gets the roll up and I count a 1, 2, and a kickout. Justin walks out of the ring to get a chair and hits me with it. I am KO'ed and Justin hits KDubb with the chair. Another referee comes out and he gets the 3 count. He walks away with the victory but I am still laid out in the ring. KDubb picks me up and we say that Justin can kiss out a.s.s.e.s. because next week, I battle Justin for the YAHWF Championship. It shuts off.

Welcome to the YAHWF!!!

Hello. I am the founder of the E-FED YAHWF (Yahoo Answers Hardcore Wrestling Federation). If you want to join or sign up email me at You can also hit me up on myspace at Here is my current roster.

Current Champion Roster:
YAHWF Heavyweight Champion: Justin

YAHWF American Champion: The Rated R Captain of Charisma

YAHWF Tag Team Champions: The USAhole & KDubb

YAHWF Hardcore Champion: Brad Towers

YAHWF Inter-promotional Champion: Joey

YAHWF Cruiserweight Champion: Destroyer

YAHWF Woman's Champion: Lita Stratus

Current Non Champion Roster:
The Hurricane
Hiatt Midcap
Andrew The Answer King
Eddie Sanchez
The X Rider

KDubb & The USAhole (Team America)
Eddie Sanchez & Poncho (Las Mexicanos)

Victoria Belle
Jessie Jackson

Mira Skyz

Here is the schedule for YAHWF Meltdown:
Every Tuesday, I post results from episodes.
I do not do pay per view events. That is what separates YAHWF from other E-Feds. Almost every episode of Meltdown will be treated as a pay per view event.