Thursday, September 3, 2009

YAHWF Episode 1

The show starts off with the YAHWF Meltdown theme song "Hit The Lights" Metallica. Then the announcers BBQ & Jesse The Queen kick off the show by stating the main event: The YAHWF Champion Justin will face off against KDubb with The USAhole as the special guest referee. BBQ also said that the match will be for the YAHWF Heavyweight Championship.

Promo 1: KDubb & The USAhole's music hits as we enter the ring with our YAHWF Tag Titles. KDubb grabs a microphone and says that the 1st episode of Meltdown is getting a bomb *** main event. I get another mic and agree. I also mention that I am the guest ref. I also say that tonight starts the search for the next YAHWF diva because there will be 2 separate diva matches and the winners will receive a contract for the YAHWF. We cut a promo on Justin and how he is a big E-Fed whore. I set up the stipulation that if Justin loses the title tonight, he is fired from the YAHWF. Justin comes out and says that even though the biggest fix in history has been set, he will still come out victorious. Justin holds his title up high and we go to a commercial break. (commercial break)

Match 1 (The 1st Diva's match for a YAHWF contract): Alexa Jones vs. Victoria Belle. Winner with a Fisherman's Suplex- Victoria Belle

Match 2 (The 2nd Diva's match for a YAHWF contract): Jessica Jackson vs. Ru Paul. Winner after a Mick Kick- Jessica Jackson

Match 3 (Singles match for the YAHWF American Championship): The Rated R Captain of Charisma (c) vs. Twilight. The Rated R Captain of Charisma wins the match via count out.

Match 4 (Hardcore match for the Hardcore Championship): Wirepain (c) vs. Brad Towers. Brad Towers wins the match after a spear through a burning table in barbed wire.

Main Event (YAHWF Championship match with USAhole as special guest referee): Justin (c) vs. KDubb. The match starts up with the two locking into a headlock. Justin gains momentum. He goes for a pin and I do not count. He looks at me like I am on his side. About twenty minutes into the match, KDubb misses a clothesline and takes me out. Then Justin gets his finisher on KDubb and goes for the pin while I'm down. The audience counts to 5 when I regain consciousness but I only get a 2 count. He looks at me again and KDubb gets the roll up and I count a 1, 2, and a kickout. Justin walks out of the ring to get a chair and hits me with it. I am KO'ed and Justin hits KDubb with the chair. Another referee comes out and he gets the 3 count. He walks away with the victory but I am still laid out in the ring. KDubb picks me up and we say that Justin can kiss out a.s.s.e.s. because next week, I battle Justin for the YAHWF Championship. It shuts off.

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