Saturday, September 5, 2009

YAHWF Meltdown Episode 2

The show starts off with the YAHWF Meltdown theme song "Hit The Lights" Metallica. Then the announcers BBQ & Jesse "The Queen" kick off the show by stating the main event: The YAHWF Champion Justin will face off against The USAhole in a TLC match.

Team America's music hits and you see KDubb and I walk down the ramp. "Well, the second time around, we will get what we want." I said really cocky. KDubb looks at me and said that as long as the YAHWF came home to a member of Team America, then he would be happy. We both get the s.h.i.t. booed out of us. Then Justin's music hits and he heads to the ring. "Really? A TLC match?" said Justin. "Yeah really you piece of s.h.i.t!" I replied. Justin then said, "Well okay, USAhole. You want to bury your own grave then I'll be happy to put you in it. And here's a little piece of advise USAhole, in a TLC match, all's fair in love and war." Then KDubb and I look at each other and laugh. The Justin hits me in the face with a microphone and walks out of the ring. It goes to commercial.

Match 1: Number one contender's match to face Brad Towers for the YAHWF Hardcore Championship next week: The X Rider vs.Hiatt Midcap. Brad Towers comes out to commentate. Both of the contenders get distracted by Brad until Hiatt Midcap looks at him for too long and X Rider does his finisher.
Winner: The X Rider

Match 2: Diva's match. Winner faces Lita Stratus next week: Mira Skyz vs. Victoria Belle
Winner after a kick to the head: Mira Skyz

The camera is backstage where on air talent Josh Dupray interviews Justin. "Well Justin, after coming off of your first victory on Meltdown last week, it seems like The USAhole really has it in for you because he is making you defend your YAHWF Championship again. What are your thoughts?" "Well Josh, The USAhole really is an a.s.s. hole. He is also a jealous a.s.s. hole. Because I am already the longest reigning YAHWF Heavyweight Champion. I retained the title last week against KDubb in a supposedly "fixed" match, but that just shows how crafty I can be. I will do the same thing tonight. I will show you my craftiness."

Match 3: Tables match for the YAHWF Inter-Promotional Championship: Joey vs. The Hurricane. The Hurricane wins the match after a frog splash on a table with Joey on it.
Winner: The Hurricane

Match 4: Hardcore Tag Team Match for the 1st ever YAHWF Hardcore Tag Team Championships: Eddie Sanchez & Poncho (Los Mexicanos) vs. Jordan23 & Andrew The Answer King. Very fast paced match between the 2 tag teams. Andrew The Answer King gets the pin on Poncho after he DDTs him through the announce table.
Winners: Jordan23 & Andrew The Answer King

Main Event: The USAhole vs. Justin (c) in a TLC Match for the YAHWF Heavyweight Championship. The match starts off slow with a few heavy blows. Then about 10 minutes into the match the ladders come into play. I go to grab the title and Justin knocks the ladder off. Then Justin grabs the title. KDubb comes out, gets a chair, climbs up the ladder and knocks Justin off of the ladder. Then he is hit with a chair by a man in all black. I go up to grab the title 1 more time but Justin follows me up. We trade blows until Justin crouches down to get brass knuckles from his tights then delivers the KO blow to me.
Winner: Justin

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