Saturday, September 19, 2009

Meltdown Episode 5

The show starts off with the YAHWF Meltdown theme song "Hit The Lights" Metallica. BBQ & Jerry The Queen start by saying tonight's main event: KDubb vs. The USAhole with Justin as the special guest referee.

Promo: Justin's music hits and you see him walk down to the ring. He grabs a mic. "Okay, now for some time, there has been an ongoing feud between KDubb & The USAhole. Now somehow, I became stuck in the middle of all of this and I don't know why. But tonight, I have been asked to be the special guest referee between the two so I will do that. And whoever wins the match, I will give them one last shot for my YAHWF Heavyweight Championship." KDubb's music hits and he gets cheered walking up to the ring. "Justin, I just want to thank you for putting me in a number 1 contender's match against my former tag team partner USAhole." "Hey no problem, you helped me retain the title, so it's time I returned the favor." My music hits and I am getting a lot of heat. "What the ***** is this crap? Thank you?This is wrestling, not a tea party you pansies!" "Okay, who pis.sed in your cornflakes this morning?" KDubb asks. "No one. But I am going to beat the hell out of you tonight and go on to face Justin next week for the YAHWF Heavyweight Championship and win it like I should have the 1st time we faced." USAhole walks out of the ring and is pretty mad.

Match 1: Ladder match for the YAHWF American Championship: The Rated R Captain of Charisma vs. Cool Dude (c)
The match ends when Cool Dude went for a Double Armed Piledriver on the top of a ladder onto a table. Cool Dude gets it in and grabs the title.
Winner & still YAHWF American Champion, Cool Dude!!!

Match 2: Hiatt Midcap & The X Rider vs. Los Mexicanos to face 23 Answers next week for the YAHWF Hardcore Tag Team Championship
The match ends when Hiatt Midcap delivers the Shooting Star Press to Eddie Sanchez and gets the pin.
Winners: Hiatt Midcap & The X Rider!!!

Match 3: 2 on 1 handicap match- The Hurricane & Man In Black 2 vs. Joey
The match is a completely one sided match. Hurricane is in the ring most of the match and tags in Man In Black 2. Joey gains momentum and gets in the Ultimate Leg Drop.
Winner: Joey!!!
Joey & Hurricane stare down and Joey delivers the 1st blow. They trade blows until Hurricane knocks down Joey & goes for The Shining Wizard.

Match 4: Victoria Belle & Jessie Jackson vs. Lita Stratus & Kayle Smith
The match ends when Lita Stratus walks out of the ring and Kayle Smith is given the Chick Kick be Victoria Belle.
Winners: Victoria Belle & Jessie Jackson!!!

Main Event: KDubb vs. USAhole with Justin as the SPR. Winner face Justin next week for the YAHWF Heavyweight Championship.
The match starts off slowly as KDubb & I go into a headlock. I pull KDubb into an Irish Whip and Clotheslines him. I go for the pin and Justin does not cover me. I look at him and yell "What The ***** man!" Then I punch Justin and KDubb goes for the Schoolboy Roll Up. 1, 2, kickout! I then get back up and deliver a big uppercut to KDubb allowing me to set him up for the Ankle Lock. I get it in and KDubb quickly taps out.
Winner: USAhole!!!
Justin tries to raise my hand but I throw it down at flip him the bird. Justin grabs a mic and says, "Hes USAhole, our match will be Hell In A Cell!!!" The show goes off.

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