Sunday, September 13, 2009

YAHWF Meltdown Episode 4

The show starts off with the YAHWF Meltdown theme song "Hit The Lights" Metallica. The ring announcer opens by welcoming me to the ring. I get a lot of heat when I come out but I just laugh.

Promo: "Well, well, well. KDubb! Are you okay? Like I give a damn! Last week, I did what I did because I was tired of loosing. KDubb was bringing me down! Every single week, Team America has lost! We lost on week 1 where Justin pinned KDubb. Week 2, I was screwed out of another victory because the man in black came out for some reason and decided to play with the big boys. And last Tuesday, KDubb got pinned by Justin AGAIN!!!" I am getting heat like you wouldn't believe (imagine CM Punk & Kurt Angle combined). Justin's music hits. He grabs a mic. "USAssHole! You kept on loosing because you made it so. Every week, you had a fix in your matches with me and I have come out victorious! So what does that tell you? It tells you that all of your designs have flaws. It also shows that you would be one shitty construction worker. I'll tell you what. If you beat your opponent tonight, then I will give you a title shot next week. How is that?" "Hang on you son of a bitch! I own this company! What makes you think I won't strip you of the YAHWF HC and award me the title?" "I don't. But I know that you can't call yourself champion until you actually beat the champion." "Okay. I will play your little game." "Hold on a second." Justin says. "I get to chose your opponent tonight. Justin's music hits and he leaves the ring.

Match 1: Match on 1,000 tacks for the YAHWF Diva's Championship: Kayle Smith vs. Lita Stratus (c)
Kayle Smith wins the match after a Double Armed DDT on the tacks.
Winner & new YAHWF Diva's Champion: Kayle Smith!!!

Match 2: 6 Man Tag Team Tables Match- 23 Answers (Jordan23 & Andrew The Answer King) & Brad Towers vs. Los Mexicanos (Eddie Sanchez & Poncho) & The X Rider
The match ends when Hiatt Midcap comes out and looks at The X Rider. Then, X Rider tosses Poncho through a table and the match ends.
Winners: 23 Answers & Brad Towers!!!
After the match, The X Rider and Hiatt Midcap stare down each other.
Then X Rider grabs Hiatt Midcap's shirt and looks like he is about to pummel him. But instead he shakes his hand & leaves the ring.
The camera is backstage where on air talent Josh Dupray interviews The Hurricane. "So Hurricane, last week in the Ladder Match against Joey for the YAHWF IP Championship, you chose to grab your mask instead of your title. Why?" "Well Josh, I thought long and hard to what my life would be like without my mask. If I kept my mask, I would still have a protected identity. If I had chosen to get the title, my identity would be exposed and I think I would lose respect of the fans. The fans inspire me to wear the mask every week. But Joey, I will get my IP Championship back or my name isn't Hurricane!" "Your name isn't Hurricane!" Joey comes out and says. "If your name is Hurricane, then your parents stole some of Jeff Hardy's **** because they were higher than a kite. You want another title shot? You got it. Next week, you vs me for the IP Title in a Street Fight. And if I win, I get the title, your mask, and you never face me again. If you win, you get the title, keep the mask and I never fight you again. Deal?" Hurricane scratches his head. "You're on you bastard!"

Match 3: Inferno match for the YAHWF American Championship: The Cool Dude vs. The Rated R Captain Of Charisma (c)
The match starts off hot and fast. Rated R sets Cool Dude for a spear and gets it. He then tries to toss him out of the ring but cannot. Cool Dude regains momentum and then goes for the Mandible Claw. He gets it and while in the hold is able to throw Rated R out of the ring.
Winner & new YAHWF American Champion: Cool Dude!!!

Match 4: Hardcore match. Justin vs. Wirepain
This match ends when Justin sets up Wirepain for the Killswitch and connects.
Winner: Justin!!!

Main Event: The USAhole vs. an opponent of Justin's choosing (If USAhole wins, then he faces Justin next week for the YAHWF Heavyweight Championship)
After I come out to the ring, Justin follows me and stays at the ramp with a mic in his hand. "USAhole, you want to get revenge on somebody for costing you the title? Well here is your chance. You will face the Man In Black from the TLC match from a few weeks ago."
The match starts off with me in a headlock and I counter with a back bodyslam. I then fall out of the ring and the MIB follows me out of the ring. He hits me in the head with a monitor and throws me back into the ring. He sets me up for the Neuralizer but I counter with a German Suplex and get him in the Boston Crab. He grabs the rope and I set him up for the 13 Stripes. I jump off of the top turnbuckle and miss. He then gets the Neuralizer on me and gets the pin.
Winner: Man In Black!!!
After that, Justin walks to the ring and says "Well, I gave you another shot but you just blew it. You want to know who the Man InBlack is? Well then here is your chance!" The MIB takes off his mask and it is KDubb. KDubb then sets me up for The Ghetto Bomb. As KDubb & Justin leave the ring, stand up and say, "KDubb you BITCH!!! I challenge you to a grudge match next week!!" The show goes off the air.

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