Friday, September 11, 2009

YAHWF Meltdown Episode 3

The show starts off with the YAHWF Meltdown theme song "Hit The Lights" Metallica. Then the announcers BBQ & Jesse "The Queen" kick off the show by stating the main event: The YAHWF Champion Justin will team up with the man in black from last week's TLC match and they will face Team America in a no dq, elimination tag team match. If Justin gets pinned by either member of Team America, then they win the YAHWF Heavyweight Championship.

Promo: Joey comes out to the ring holding a mask. He grabs a mic. "Hurricane! Listen up! Last week, I lost my YAHWF Inter-Promotional Championship to you in a tables match. That really pissed me off and I got to thinking that you are a coward. If you weren't, you wouldn't hide your identity with a mask." Hurricane's music hits. He comes to the ring and he looks confused. "What are you trying to accomplish?" Hurricane asks. "I want my god.damn title back." Joey replies. "I am trying to kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Here is what I was thinking: tonight, I challenge you to a ladder match for that Inter-Promotional Championship and for your mask. On one side of the ring, holds the IP Championship. On the other side of the ring holds a mask. If you choose to get the IP Championship, you have to stay demasked for ever. If you get the mask, you can stay masked, but you lose your IP Championship to me. what do you say?" "Well damn, this is a tough decision but I accept your challenge you ***.hole!" Hurricane leaves the ring.

Match 1: Hardcore match for the YAHWF Hardcore Championship: The X Rider vs. Brad Towers (c). Brad Towers retains the title after Hiatt Midcap comes out and attacks The X Rider from last week. Hiatt beats him up then executes the GTS on X Rider. The crowd goes crazy.
Winner & still the YAHWF Hardcore Champion: Brad Towers!!!

Match 2: Singles match for the YAHWF Cruiserweight Championship. Jack Soff vs. Destroyer (c). Jack Soff wins the match after The Climax. LOL
Winner & the new YAHWF Cruiserweight Champion: Jack Soff!!!

Match 3: Tag Team Hardcore Match for the YAHWF Hardcore Tag Team Championship. Los Mexicanos (Eddie Sanchez & Poncho) vs. 23 Answers (Andrew The Answer King & Jordan23). 23 Answers retain the title after Jordan23 executes the Pele Kick to Poncho while Poncho held a chair to his face.
Winners & still YAHWF Hardcore Tag Team Champions 23 Answers!!!

Match 4: Ladder match for the YAHWF IP Championship & Hurricane's mask. Joey vs. The Hurricane (c). The Hurricane gets his mask after he does a Frog Splash onto Joey from the top of the ladder.
Winner: The Hurricane. The New IP Champion- Joey!!!

Match 5: 5 Diva Battle Royal. Winner faces Lita Stratus next week for the YAHWF Woman's Championship. Victoria Belle vs Jessie Jackson vs Mira Skyz vs Kayle Smith vs Anna Belize.
Winner: Kayle Smith!!!

Main Event: No DQ Elimination tag team match. If any member of Team America pins Justin, they become the new YAHWF Heavyweight Champion! Team America vs. Justin & The Man In Black.
Elimination 1: The Man In Black is eliminated after I do The 13 Stripes on him onto the announce table.
Elimination 2: Justin pins me after a bulldog onto thumb tacks.
Elimination 3: Justin pins KDubb after a spinebuster on steel steps.
Winners Justin & Man In Black. Still The YAHWF Heavyweight Champion Justin!!!

I come back to the ring after Justin & Man In Black leaves. I pick up KDubb & beat him up. I set him up for The 13 Stripes and connect. I then do the Ankle Lock on him for 3 minutes straight. I then leave the ring when EMT's come to the rescue.

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